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Poetry Manuscript Consultations

I’m excited to be offering manuscript consultations for full-length and chapbook-length manuscripts of poetry, and I’m also happy to meet about individual poems. I love meeting one-on-one with poets about their work at any stage of the process!

Consultations for longer manuscripts will typically include:

  • A 20-minute initial meeting where we tailor our work together to your specific needs and questions.

  • Written feedback (typically in-line comments/line edits as well as reader report covering organization and order, revision ideas, and suggestions for further reading) delivered in an agreed-upon manner.

  • A final, hour-long meeting after feedback is sent.

BUT this is customizable to suit your project. I am also available for more general meetings around process, revision, submissions, reading recommendations etc., and to give you tailored poetry prompts (I love prompts).

The best way to get in touch about working together is to email me with some information about your project and goals. Please attach a short sample of your work as a single document.

My rates start at $60 for an hour-long workshop of a single poem (under 5 pages), $250 for a chapbook-length manuscript (10-25 pages), and $450 for full-length manuscripts (45-120 pages). I offer a discount for former students.

Please email me at